Transform your lives by becoming masters not slaves – BK Shivani
Giving tips for leading a quality and disease free life inher first ever public program in Haridwar, Sister B K Shivani, International spiritual orator from Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwari Vishwavidyalaya said that today we have become slaves of our habits and circumstances surrounding us. We can bring Ram Rajya through Swaraj, winning over die hard wrong habits. Self-reliant India will be formed only by getting freedom from the slavery of ten common vices of human beings. She said that we do not have to wait for when Ram Rajya will come, rather we have to make efforts from now to bring Ram Rajya.
BK Shivani was speaking as the chief guest in a spiritual program organized in the auditorium of Prem Nagar Ashram in Haridwar. This program was organized by Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwari Vishwavidyalaya Seva Kendra Haridwar. The program started by lighting of the lamp jointly with the saints. BK Shivani was given a floral welcome by Meena Didi, in-charge of Seva Kendra Haridwar. Former cabinet minister of Uttarakhand government, legislator Madan Kaushik, program coordinator Gyanesh Agarwal, Jagdish Lal Pahwa, Brahma Kumar Sushil Bhai, social worker Vishal Garg, social worker Manu Shivpuri felicitated BK Shivani by presenting her with souvenirs. Spiritual Guru BK Shivani had his first public spiritual program in Haridwar. A huge crowd gathered to listen to his lecture.

She said that in Treta Yuga, both Lord Ram and Ravana were present. Ram Rajya means to live a life of truth, peace, happiness and spirituality, whereas Ravana Rajya means to live a life full of vices. Ravana had 10 heads, symbolising ten vices – lust, anger, greed, ego, attachment, slander, laziness. We have to establish Ram Rajya by defeating these vices in our lives.
She said that on 22 January this year, in Ayodhya, we had resolved to establish Ram Rajya by consecrating the idol of Lord Shri Ram. To achieve this resolution, we do not have to wait for anyone but we have to make efforts to establish happiness, peace and affection.

She said that at this time, the dark period Kaliyug is going on and after Kalyug comes Satyug. We have to bring Ram Rajya i.e. Satyug not by showing fear, anger and resentment but with love and peace.She said that in the race of modernity, we have become slaves of our senses. We have to become their masters only then can we move towards spiritual happiness. And this is the miracle of Raja Yoga. All this can happen only by moving from Sankalp to Siddhi. The positive we think and positive we become. Affirming ourselves on wellness, we can overcome pain and disease in reality.
A huge gathering of people from different strata of society had come to listen to her talk including former Executive Director of BHEL Sanjay Gulati, Rashmi Gulati, Bininder Sodhi, Manu Shivpuri, Vijay pal Baghel, Mahavir Prasad Agarwal and others.